Research Bytes explains how social media can help build strong Investor Relations

investor relations platform

Over the time, there has been a significant increase in the use of social media sites (and corporate blogging) by the business enterprises for interacting with the investors’ community. This increase was to such an extent that some companies even dropped on their conventional media outlets for releasing their quarterly and annual reports. Research experts believe that the use of social media and communication techniques over the same, by the IR and PR teams of a company, is only going to aggravate in the coming times. Continue reading

Web Application Development: Exploring the Benefits

Custom Web Application Development Process

Web applications have experienced a quantum leap over the last few years. With advancements in technology and security, there are a number of scenarios where traditional software apps possess the ability to show significant improvements by migrating them to the web.

Before we get ahead to knowing about the benefits of web applications, it is important that we first try to understand what these apps exactly are. In common words, any application that assists big businesses to manage their business online and function in accordance with the user utilities.

These web applications have come a long way from the desktop applications and have a number of benefits over the conventional apps. Let us try understanding some of the primary ones. Continue reading

How Do I Go About Reading a Report in An Efficient Manner?

quarterly results

The annual report of a company is the most important way by which it can convey itself and its performance to its potential investors. It is not surprising to hear that these reports are a representation of a company’s accomplishments in the best manner possible, without violation of any regulations.


The sad thing to hear is that many investors read these reports, but are unable to read them effectively. An effective and thorough reading means that although these reports are prepared in a way to reflect complete honesty and transparency about the business, still the investors must examine them with a sense of uncertainty. This can be done by learning the skill to read in-between the lines, to figure out the company’s actual situation. Continue reading

Comparing the Security Concerns of Private and Public Cloud

Security Concerns of Private and Public Cloud

Today technology has encompassed all our activities and its effect cannot be demeaned or ruled out. It is worth knowing what the cloud services are before going deep into its intricacies. Cloud data center environment is a data center with a number of servers running services like email, CRM, ERP etc. One can access these services through the internet. The cloud operator charges the user based on how much he or she uses the service. Cloud services are easily deployed, metered, scalable and available online. One does not have to buy a new server in order to be able to use cloud service. Instead, one has to just add accounts, user by user, and just pay for how much one uses. Continue reading

Maintain Your Beauty With Ease

Being beautiful and appealing instills confidence in most of us. We want to appear our best in everything we do, including our physical appearance. However, for this to happen, there are some few things that you should incorporate in your lifestyle.Beauty and Health


For a healthy and beautiful skin and body, a proper diet is essential. Eating a lot of vegetables and fruits provides vitamins and anti-oxidants that serve an important role in the body. Avoiding fatty foods and binge eating will also help a lot. On the same note, taking plenty of fluids, especially water helps to nourish your skin, keeping you beautiful for longer.

2.Moisturize your skin

Oiling your skin with approved skin products helps to keep your skin healthy, strong and appealing. Before buying a moisturizer, get to know your skin type and get one that is made for your skin. Most often than not, the skin is damaged by applying products that contain some harmful substances. Go through a product before buying it. Having a dry and wrinkled skin makes you look old. Continue reading

How to Make Parents’ Day 2013 Special?

Exploring General

God cannot be everywhere, so he created parents! Cheer for Your Parents on 28th July 2013

Whistle Whistle! It’s parents’ day again. It is the time to honour parents for their contribution in making us what we are today. We were born with mere a body with no sense of understanding the world, value and respect for co-citizens and no verbal communication. It is our parents who made us a complete human being. For me, it is the day to celebrate their existence and thank them for introducing me to this beautiful world and comforting me with their tender touch.  

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